Saturday, December 28, 2013

What a True Family Means

Family is not the people who have given you life

A father is not defined by the male patron who sired you

A mother is not always the woman who bore you for nine months

Family will and always be at least to me the people who love you
Who raised you with care and gentle hands
Mothers teach and nurture
Fathers laugh and hug, and high five you when you've accomplished a goal
Brothers are those who tease and laugh and play
Sisters are those who you giggle with at the silliest things

A family is not defined by blood
Family are those you choose to be raised by and who will love you unconditionally
Regardless of the mistakes you've made
Or the sorrows you've faced
Family is love

And one may find it not always in the way they've expected or have been taught in school that this is that
Family can be a teacher, a neighbor, a friend,

I have come to find so many sisters
So many brothers to make funny faces at
So many mothers and fathers

There will always be a bond between myself and the woman who gave birth to me.

But she is not my mother

The girl who has the same biological parents as I will never be my sister

Because I have found a true Family and I will always love them, unconditionally just as they have loved me.

Never feel the need to love those who have treated you poorly.

You can find such kinder kin in those around you.

Saturday, December 14, 2013


you’re beautiful
you’re amazing

yet look at me

we contrast so greatly

my eyes so much darker than yours

yet we both bear wounds don’t we?

I suppose you are just stronger than myself.
I would expect so

You take hold
Drawing me to you
I follow
I have nothing much else to do

Where you take me
I do not know
I lost my path long ago
Yet know that not all
who wander are lost

and not all those who have a path
have purpose

Beside a fire
In a room so warm and soft

I feel your presence beside me

promise you’ll come to bed and keep me safe
demons that taunt
me promise you’ll keep me safe
